♥簡介♥ |
Bettina Wan graduated with a Bachelor of Psychology at the University of Western Australia in 2007. She then received her Master degree in Music Therapy in 2009 from the University of Queensland, and became a registered music therapist. During the therapy placements, Bettina has provided service at different educational and social organizations, including a rehabilitation centre, special schools, and nursing homes. She has also run various seminars, workshops and therapy programs at different rehabilitation organizations and schools since her graduation. Some of the groups in which she has provided service for include Tung Wah, the ESF special school, and San Wui Commercial Society School. Bettina is currently a registered music therapist at Wellness Service Centre, mainly providing service for children with learning difficulties, and continuously developing music therapy assessment tools as well as exploring adaptive training style suited to the Hong Kong population.
註冊職業治療師 - 蔣樂怡
註冊職業治療師 - 林慧心