♥簡介♥ |
楊瀚彥先生於2004年獲得香港理工大學 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)頒發物理治療(榮譽)學士學位,於同年取得註冊物理治療師的資格。楊曾為多間社福機構提供物理治療服務,包括香港基督教女青年會、港澳信義會、香港耆康老人福利會與私營安老院等,服務包括講座、訓練及工作坊等。楊亦曾任香港理工大學運動隊訓練員及香港康復學會物理治療助理課程講師,現時為生活智慧工作坊物理治療師。
Mr. Henley YEUNG gained the Bachelor Degree
(Hons) in Physiotherapy in 2004 from The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University. He was also registered as a physiotherapist in the same
year. He had provided physiotherapy services in different community
service settings, e.g. YWCA, Hong Kong & Macau Lutheran Church, SAGE and
private elderly homes. Henley has also been the Junior Supervisor of
Athletic Trainer for the Hong Kong Polytechnic University athletic teams
and the speaker of Physiotherapy Assistant Courses in the Hong Kong
Rehabilitation Academic Association. At present, he works as a
physiotherapist in Wellness Service Centre.
註冊職業治療師 - 蔣樂怡
註冊職業治療師 - 林慧心